
This is a blog of a Japanese girl who went to abroad study in TORONTO where her life was changed, The experiences in TORONTO broadened her view opened a brand new door to the world.

アーカイブ:February 2017

BIG Fish market in Yamaguchi(Karato market)

There is a big fish market that is popular by tourist in Yamaguchi prefecture where close to Fukuoka.福岡に近い山口県に、観光客に人気の魚市場があります。They open the market early morning to around 3 pm, sell fresh fish, sushi and fish "Don"(raw fish on

 Delicious Innards hot pot!!

"Motsu Nabe" is the one of great and very famous food in Fukuoka!!福岡で有名な食べ物の一つ、もつ鍋!I went a new Motsu Nabe restaurant last week.先週、新しく出来たもつ鍋屋さんに行きました。  It's called "Tashu"博多もつ鍋田しゅうMotsu nabe = Innards hot
